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- Trick, L.M., *Toxopeus, R., *Rodd, H., & *Nowosielski, R. (2016). Using technology for road safety: Distraction monitoring and real-time transition from driving assistance to automation function: 2 studies: 105 page technical report for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.
- Trick, L.M., & *Toxopeus, R. (2013). Pedestrian Crosswalk Study: Laboratory Report on Part I (driving simulation data) and Part II (eye tracking data) 120 page technical report for the Ontario Traffic Council.
- Smiley, A., *Smahel, T., Trick, L.M., & *Toxopeus, R. (2010). Highway 406 Roundabout positive guidance analysis. (Research contract for McCormick Rankin/ Delphi MRC produced for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation). 74 page technical report.